Dant Fashion Software Stock Management
Features Include
Style Colour & Size , 100 Colours by 20 Sizes per Style
Up to 30 Stock Locations ,Warehouses , Stores, Websites
Unique Wholesale & Retail Prices by Product, Colours, Sizes, Customer etc
EAN & SKU barcodes
Link Images, Sketches.
Duplicate Stock Items,
Import Style Ranges
View Style Information in a Grid Format - Stock on Hand, Sales, Purchases , Available to Sell.
Bill of Materials.
Import Costing
Ratios & Packs
Min/Max levels
​Categorise products by label, season, story, group, item, sort123, report 123
Automatically maintain all style details for Colour & Size from Parent product.
Automatically Generate Products in other ledgers & Stock Locations.
Can be designed to handle Style, colour size & cups.
Store product body Information for Web database Upload
Scheduled Stock File generation for Web Uploads & Maintenance.
Manage up to hundreds of thousands of products over 30 Locations.
Sample labels.
Pricing by single sizes or single pricing per style, colour, customer.
Dant Fashion Software Manufacturing and Bill of Materials
Features Include
If you need to Manage your material component requirements for building Products.
Enter the Main Fabrics, Contrasts, Lining, Fusing, Labels, Buttons, Patterns, Cutting Making, Pleating etc
Record Measurements, colour combinations, making notes , instructions, comments etc.
Automatically Keep track of material usage based on BOM & Orders
Generate Material Reports , Making Sheet, Costing Sheets,Delivery Sheet etc.
Report on Material requirements & costs for Entered Indent Orders,